Top "Angular-services" questions

Angular services are substitutable objects that are wired together using dependency injection.

Subscribe is not a function error

I am trying to subscribe to an observable from a service, it builds without error but I get the error "…

angular angular-services angular-observable
What is the difference between the $parse, $interpolate and $compile services?

What is the difference between $parse, $interpolate and $compile services? For me they all do the same thing: take template …

javascript angularjs angular-services
How to use angular2 built-in date pipe in services and directives script files

I need to use angular2's date pipe in services and directives script files(not only in HTML). Does anyone …

angular angularjs-directive angular-services date-pipe
difference between setTimeout in javascript and $timeout service in angularjs

Iam new to angular framework.Here is my scenario where, I want to change my $scope.variable after a period …

javascript angularjs settimeout angular-services
AngularJS - UI Router - programmatically add states

Is there a way to programmatically add states to $stateProvider after module configuration, in e.g. service ? To add more …

javascript angularjs angular-ui-router angular-services
Angular http returns $$state object

I have the following factory defined: angular.module("account").factory("users",["$http", function(a){ return { getUser: function(){ return a.get("/…

javascript angularjs angular-services
The view is not updated in AngularJS

Updating the model property has no effect on the view when updating the model in event callback, any ideas to …

javascript angularjs data-binding angular-services
Send an uploaded image to the server and save it in the server

I want to upload an image and save it in the server. I uploaded the image an got the preview …

angularjs angular-services
angularjs $httpProvider interceptor documentation

I am new to angular (and programming), here is a seemingly simple question but I could not figure it out. …

javascript angularjs http interceptor angular-services