Top "Angular-services" questions

Angular services are substitutable objects that are wired together using dependency injection.

Dynamically add Component in angular 2/4

How can I add component dynamically? toolbar.component.ts: @Component({ selector: 'app-toolbar', template: '<button>Add Text component&…

angular components angular-services viewchild
Ascending and Descending Sort in Angular 4

Why is it that sort function is working : <th (click)="sort('transaction_date')">Transaction Date <i class="…

angular angular-services angular-pipe
Angular Js : '$q.defer is not a function' error

After Refering this Link , I am trying to get JSON data into my angular service. Service: .factory('restservice', ['$rootScope',…

angularjs q angular-promise angular-services
angular .then() is not recognized

I try to use .then() in my angular controller angular.module('n2goApp') .controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, Products) { Products.get(). …

angularjs angularjs-scope angular-services
sessionStorage data not persist in AngularJS app with ngStorage

All, I'm simply trying to store a user object in sessionStorage in an AngularJS app. If I step through this …

javascript angularjs session-storage angular-services
Services with ES6 (AngularJS)

I'm having problems accessing Angular built-in services such as $http when creating a service with ES6. For example, I'm creating …

javascript angularjs web-services ecmascript-6 angular-services
How to persist service data after reload in angular 5

I have a service to pass data between components and when called it works but when i reload the service …

angular angular-services angular5 angular-components
How to dynamically create component instance with input/output from a service and inject it to DOM separately?

In creating dynamic components in Angular 2, I found out that this process requires ViewContainerRef in order to add newly created …

angular angular-services angular-components
error TS2339: Property 'catchError' does not exist on type 'Observable<any>'

Here is my code in book.service.ts : import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Http, Response } from '@angular/…

angular angular-services
Angular 2 Promise throw error

I am trying to make a service that handles contacts in Angular 2. This is what i got so far. import { …

javascript angular angular-services