Top "Angular-material2" questions

Angular Material is an implementation of Material Design in Angular 2/4/5/6. DO NOT use this tag for AngularJS Material questions.

Angular Material Flex-layout when using fxFlex with mat-form-field, the element does not appear in Internet explorer 11

I am using Angular 6 with Material 6 & flex-layout 6-beta , I am currently facing a strange issue, the form fields that …

angular compatibility angular-material2 angular6 angular-flex-layout
Close md-dialog inside it's component.ts

I have a md-dialog component - DialogComponent - which i open from sibling component - SiblingComponent - and i want …

angular angular-material2 mddialog
Add Angular2 Material to Nativescript

I've created a basic Nativescript app using: tns create my-project-name --template nativescript-angular-drawer-template Now, I want to add Material Design to …

angular material-design nativescript angular2-nativescript angular-material2
How can I customize date and time format in ngx-mat-datetime-picker?

I am working on Angular7 and its compatible ngx-mat-datetime-picker. It works as expected. Want to customize the format: Actual: mm/…

angular angular-material angular8 angular-material2 date-pipe
dataSource.connect is not a function when using Material datatable

I would use material datatable with dataSource as array. import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { MatTableDataSource } from '@…

angular angular-material angular-material2 angular-datatables
md-table in Angular Material 2

I am working with Angular Material Table. In Html code, there is <ng-container cdkColumnDef="userId"> <md-header-cell *cdkHeaderCellDef&…

angular angular-material2 angular-cdk
Change the layout or cols value of md-grid-list based on screen size

I am using Grid List of angular material 2. Here is the plunker…

angular grid angular-material2 angular-flex-layout
How to update mat-tree to handle add children nodes to leaf nodes (convert leaf nodes to parents)

I'm using Angular Material6 Tree component with check boxes. In the Original Example, We only can add new child to …

angular angular-material angular-material2 angular-material-5 angular-cdk