Top "Angular-datatables" questions

angular-datatables is a AngularJS/Angular2+ wrapper for jQuery dataTables.

Using full featured Datatables Plugin with Angular 6

I am trying to add Datatables plugin ( facility with my angualar 6 project. I am not sure how should …

angular datatables angular-datatables ngx-bootstrap
Angular Material Table Error: Can't bind to 'mdHeaderRowDef' since it isn't a known property of 'md-header-row'

I'm trying to convert a CDK data-table to a Material Design styled data-table (see:…

angular angular-material angular-material2 angular-datatables angular-cdk
Angular Store Data and Reload Datatable

I'm using datatable: and bootstrap: this what i try to …

javascript angularjs angular-datatables
Angularjs Datatable server side pagination

I'm trying to make Angularjs Datatable server side pagination in this link So I …

javascript jquery angularjs datatables angular-datatables
How to use server side option in Angular DataTables with the Angular way example?

I'm trying to use Angular DataTables with the server side processing option, but when I try to enable it in …

ajax angular datatables angular-datatables
Angular ngx-datatable multiple data in one column

I've got a little problem adding more then one prop to column in ngx-datatable: columns = [ { prop: 'semesterName', name: 'סמסטר', …

javascript angular datatables angular-datatables ngx-datatable
In Angular JS how to disable column sort feature for selected columns

In jquery data table I can disable specific column sort by "aoColumnDefs": [{ 'bSortable': false, 'aTargets': [0, 7] }] Anyone know how to do …

angularjs angular-datatables
Multiple material pagination in one component doesn't work in Angular

I try to create a component which includes two dataTables each of it with another dataSource. My Tables aren't visible …

angular typescript angular-material angular-material2 angular-datatables
Angular-Datatables wrong sorting on date

I'm using the angular-datatables plugin in my project, which works fine on all types, except for dates. Example DESC: 01/01/2016 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/09/2015 Example …

javascript jquery angularjs datatables angular-datatables
Can't bind to 'dtOptions' since it isn't a known property of 'table'.

I'm working to get angular way work and use this code - node …

angularjs datatable angular-datatables