Top "Mddialog" questions

$mdDialog is a directive of AngularJS that opens a dialog over the app to inform users about critical information or require them to make decisions.

Angular Material and Jasmine : " No provider for InjectionToken MdDialogData! "

I have a component which is meant to be used in an Angular Material MdDialog : @Component({ ... }) export class MyComponent { constructor(@…

angular jasmine angular-material angular-material2 mddialog
Returning Data from MdDialog in Angular Material 2

I am using a MdDialogModule to show a Dialog window with an input field in it. The Modal is opening …

angular dialog angular-material2 mddialog
how to open Md-dialog full screen angular4?

I am trying to pass some property value using config. But dialog not open into full screen. openTwigTemplate(): void { let …

angular angular-material2 mddialog
How to set up the max-width of $mdDialog?

I'm a new one in css and can not to set up the max-width of my confirmation dialog properly. Here …

html css angularjs angular-material mddialog
mdDialog: catch the onClose event

I'm creating a mailbox in angular. And I would need to save the draft message when the popup to send …

angularjs angular-material ondestroy mddialog oncloselistener
Using MdDialogConfig data on Angular 2

I'm trying to use a dialog component in Angular 2 using @angular/material2.0.0-beta.1. What I'm trying to accomplish is to …

angular angular-material mddialog
Close md-dialog inside it's component.ts

I have a md-dialog component - DialogComponent - which i open from sibling component - SiblingComponent - and i want …

angular angular-material2 mddialog
angular multiple $mdDialog

I work with modal tabs and I have notification pop-up window which is always shown to user when he logs …

javascript angularjs modal-dialog showmodaldialog mddialog