Top "Android-viewholder" questions

A ViewHolder object stores each of the component views inside the tag field of the Layout, so you can immediately access them without the need to look them up repeatedly.

What is the main purpose of setTag() getTag() methods of View?

What is the main purpose of such methods as setTag() and getTag() of View type objects? Am I right in …

android view android-view android-viewholder
What is the benefit of ViewHolder pattern in android?

When you are developing an Android program; and you want to have a ArrayAdapter you can Simply have a Class (…

android listview android-arrayadapter android-viewholder
How open fragment from RecyclerView.Adapter<CardAdapter.ViewHolder>

1.TabLayout - tab1 (Fragment1) - tab2 (Fragment2) - tab3 (Fragment3) * RecyclerView + CardView (OnClick) On CardView ClickListner open another fragment in …

android android-fragments android-recyclerview android-viewholder
Android: RecyclerView content messed up after scrolling

I'm using RecyclerView to display a list of marks, and each mark of the value is shown as a CardView. …

android android-recyclerview android-viewholder
What's better? notifyDataSetChanged or notifyItemChanged in loop?

So I have an activity with RecyclerView and I want to change TextView of every item in the RecyclerView by …

android android-recyclerview android-viewholder
RecyclerView Adapter and ViewHolder update dynamically

I am trying to make an app that will be loading news from the network and will be updating dynamically. …

android android-cardview android-recyclerview android-viewholder
Android listview using ViewHolder

I have a problem. I'm attempting to change an icon in my listview after it has been clicked. It works …

android android-listview android-arrayadapter android-viewholder
How to make RecyclerView stops recycling defined positions?

My problem is: I have a video streaming happening on one of the views inside the RecyclerView. When the user …

android android-layout android-recyclerview android-viewholder recycle
onCreateViewHolder of RecyclerView.Adapter is called twice or more, multiple times

I'm currently developing an application which uses RecyclerView. On reviewing LogCat I noticed that onCreateViewHolder was called twice after it …

android android-recyclerview android-viewholder
What is the working of setTag and getTag in ViewHolder pattern?

I have a simple code snippet for implementing custom listview. My code is as follows: : public class WeatherAdapter …

android listview android-adapter android-viewholder