Top "Android-viewholder" questions

A ViewHolder object stores each of the component views inside the tag field of the Layout, so you can immediately access them without the need to look them up repeatedly.

How to set two adapters to one RecyclerView?

I am developing an android app in which I'm storing two different types of information on 'FirebaseDatabase`. Then in the …

android android-recyclerview android-adapter android-viewholder fastadapter
RecyclerView - callback when view is no longer visible

I have a RecyclerView with its Adapter and LayoutManager. Adapter has approximate 15 different ViewHolders. One of them contain WebView which …

android listener android-recyclerview android-viewholder
What difference between static and non static viewholder in RecyclerView Adapter?

What are the advantages of this approach (using static nested class in my class MyAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter): static class …

android static android-recyclerview android-viewholder
getActivity() inside viewholder

I have created a Recyclerview, with itemobjects, Adapter, viewholder and activity. The Recyclerview works fine. My problem is when an …

java android android-recyclerview android-viewholder
RecyclerView Recycled ViewHolder Image View wrong size

I have a recycler view with different View Holders. A couple of view holders have image views which I pass …

android android-recyclerview android-viewholder android-glide
ViewHolder - good practice

A little newbie question. Why should we initialize the ViewHolder in getView()? Why can't we initialize it in the constructor?

android android-viewholder
Android: RecyclerView.Adapter doesn't work as expected

My question id directly related to @Richard's one about the method onBindViewHolder() within the RecyclerView.Adapter is not called as …

android android-cardview android-viewholder android-recyclerview
Binding in ViewHolder

This will be theoretical question. As everyone we use RecyclerView in many parts of the app. Sometimes RecyclerView contains different …

android android-recyclerview android-viewholder
RecyclerView - get Position inside Activity rather than RecyclerViewAdapter

It is my third day now dealing with the handling of my view clicks. I originally was using ListView, then …

android android-recyclerview android-viewholder