Top "Android-view" questions

Questions regarding Views in Android.

Is there a way to offset a view from center?

I'm trying to possition my button not exactly in center, but let's say in the 2/5s of the screen height, …

android android-layout android-view center android-relativelayout
getWidth() and getHeight() always returning 0. Custom view

In a Fragment, I am inflating a Layout with multiple child View. I need to get the dimensions (width and …

android android-view
What is android:layout_marginStart

I would like to add some space between the left display border and an ImageView. Android SDK made me aware …

android android-layout android-view android-xml
How to get screen cordinates corresponding to the whole screen, and not the View touched?

Im having some trouble obtaining the real (x,y) from my screen by handling the touch events of one View …

android screen coordinates android-view
Disable dark fading in Navigation Drawer

Is there a way to disable the dark fading effect for the background view in the Navigation Drawer View in …

java android android-layout android-view navigation-drawer
Android: Changing visibility of a view in recyclerView

I have implemented a recyclerView in my project. I have a Button in my recyclerView row. The code for my …

android android-recyclerview android-view android-viewholder
Android - Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.view.View.getBoundsOnScreen(' on a null object reference

I have a simple address form like this: Java: public class NewAddressActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private TextInputLayout mStreetLayout; private TextInputLayout mNumberLayout; …

android android-view
Implementing pinch zoom and drag using Android's build in gesture listener and scale listener

I am trying to implement pinch zoom and drag using Android's gesture listener and scale listener. The problem is that …

android image-processing android-view gesture-recognition pinchzoom
How to show/hide grouped views in Android?

I want to create an activity such as mentioned in photo... as soon as I press the maximize button I …

android android-relativelayout visibility android-view show-hide
Android: How to test a custom view?

There are several methods of unit testing in Android, what's the best one for testing a custom view I've written? …

android unit-testing android-view android-custom-view