Questions regarding Views in Android.
Consider the following example for a view: <LinearLayout> <EditText /> <Button /> </LinearLayout> And …
android android-layout android-view android-xmlHow do I detect the touch event if the user touches on view A and drags to bottom over the …
android android-view ontouchlistenerI am using a RecyclerView with a single row layout with an ImageView and a TextView. I want to implement …
java android android-view android-recyclerview android-viewholderI created a widget/control that I can reuse which I created by extending RelativeLayout. Then, in one of my …
android android-view onclicklistener ontouchlistenerI created a circle button that can change his color when I call a function. What I want is to …
android android-canvas android-viewI am looking for method in Android that will take a input (text, text_font_size, device_width) and based …
android android-layout android-canvas android-view textviewI show my infinte progress bar in the action bar "as usual": requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS); ... setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(true); ... setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(…
android android-layout android-view android-progressbarHow to disable BottomSheetDialogFragment dragging by finger? I saw similar questions, but they're all about BottomSheet not BottomSheetDialogFragment.
android android-layout android-view android-dialog bottom-sheetI have an Toolbar in my Android app. The background color of this is bright orange …
java android android-layout android-view android-toolbarI have this method in my custom view which extends FrameLayout: @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { int currentItem = vp.…
android android-view