Top "Android-sdk-tools" questions

SDK Tools is a downloadable component for the Android SDK.

Error: ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" command not in your PATH on OS X

I am getting this error in terminal when attempting to execute this command: $ cordova platform add android I read these …

android cordova terminal android-sdk-tools cordova-cli
adb command doesn't list my device

On a Macbook Pro with Yosemite - After getting through the difficulties of getting Android SDK installed, I plug in …

adb android-sdk-tools google-project-tango
SDK Manager failed to install 'java.exe' locking directory

I have ran into a curious error when trying to update Android SDK Tools to revision 21 from revision 20.0.3. The ADT …

android android-sdk-tools
Emulator: emulator: ERROR: AdbHostServer.cpp:102: Unable to connect to adb daemon on port: 5037

I am stuck a whole afternoon trying to run again my small Android/Kotlin application in Android Studio. The message …

android android-studio android-emulator android-sdk-tools android-sdk-2.3
After Installing ADT Plugin, Welcome to Android Development Doesnt Appear

I am stuck after installation Eclipse with ADT Plugin. After all the steps are completed, it should show "Welcome to …

android eclipse android-sdk-tools
Android plugin 1.3 error

This is error I got when updated my SDK and Build tool to Android M Android Build Tools Found incompatible …

android android-studio android-gradle-plugin build.gradle android-sdk-tools
ADB: missing port in specification

I've recently upgraded to Android SDK Platform-Tools version 28.0.2. Version information: $ adb version Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.40 Version 28.0.2-5303910 When using …

android adb android-sdk-tools
Android emulator crashing on Mac

When I try to launch Android emulator, it crashes on Mac OS X. It was working some time ago, but …

android macos android-emulator android-sdk-tools
Please install package: 'Android Support Library'

I am coding a Xamarin application and these are the errors that I am getting when building my application: C:\…

android package xamarin android-support-library android-sdk-tools
adb: command not found ( from within the platform-tools directory ) on Mac OS X Yosemite

Ultimately I'm trying to get the device id for my note 5. I've installed Android Studio along with the Platform-Tools 23.1 When …

adb android-sdk-tools