Top "Android-sdk-tools" questions

SDK Tools is a downloadable component for the Android SDK.

Installing Android Support Repository offline

I am trying to setup Android Studio + Android SDK on Linux. I was able to setup Android Studio and SDK …

android android-sdk-tools
Flutter run error : You have not accepted the license agreements

I'm developing android and ios app with Google flutter. when I add a new dependency like shared_preferences to pubspec.…

android flutter android-sdk-tools
Cordova : [Error: Please install Android target: "android-21"

I just updated cordova + ionic in my app, after that i installed successfully Android-SDK v22 via Android SDK manager. But …

android cordova ionic-framework android-sdk-tools
Could not find gradle wrapper within Android SDK. Might need to update your Android SDK

I am trying to take build in an ionic2 application. I got this error while running ionic build android. The …

android cordova ionic2 android-sdk-tools
Getting warning "NDK is missing a 'platforms" directory.' with no NDK

I've got a project that only uses the Android SDK, not the NDK, but I'm getting warnings whenever I build …

java android android-ndk android-gradle-plugin android-sdk-tools
Could not find INI file in $ANDROID_AVD_HOME nor in $HOME/.android/avd

I cannot start a virtual devices on android SDK when I press the start button on AVD manager, this error …

android android-2.2-froyo android-sdk-tools
ionic add platform android with custom android-target

Anybody knows how to add platform in ionic with custom android target ? If I try this command : ionic platform add …

android ionic-framework android-sdk-tools
How to change Android minSdkVersion in flutter project

I was trying to start a flutter project for an App using bluetooth to communicate. For that, I was using …

android flutter android-sdk-tools
AVD Emulator stuck on loading screen in Android Studio

I decided to try Android Studio 2.0 having used Eclipse in the past but I'm having considerable difficulty getting the AVD …

android-studio android-emulator android-sdk-tools avd
Android Studio SDK Managed Disabled

I just downloaded the Android Studio .dmg for OSX. Per the installation instructions, I've dragged it to the application folder …

android android-studio android-sdk-tools