MapView allows you to create your own Google map-viewing Activity
i am showing a map in activity ... but when i run app on device it does not show any thing , …
android android-mapview android-mapsSo I have a MapView with a lot of markers, most of which are concentrated in mile wide clusters. When …
android algorithm android-mapview markersI have the following code to add an Overlay myMapView.getOverlays().add(sites); myMapView.invalidate(); I also have the following …
android overlay android-mapview itemizedoverlayI'm trying to implement a double-tap zoom like function in my MapView. The event always fires the first time, but …
android event-handling android-mapview ontouchlistenerI'm trying to debug why I can't get MapView to work in debug mode, and it seems like the app …
android intellij-idea android-mapview keystore signingdiving further into kivy, i began to wonder what map options were available (either google maps or something like open …
map maps android-mapview kivyI want to disable dispatch touch for some area for your understanding here is my screen. You can see Header,…
android android-mapview dispatcheventThis code is used on the onCreate block in my MapActivity lm = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); if (!lm.isProviderEnabled(…
android android-mapview locationmanager android-location