Android - What debug.keystore file is IntelliJ signing my app with?

user888867 picture user888867 · Dec 9, 2011 · Viewed 7.4k times · Source

I'm trying to debug why I can't get MapView to work in debug mode, and it seems like the app is not being signed with the debug.keystore file that I have created an API key against. The only version of a file named debug.keystore on my system is in the C:\Users\<user>\.android folder as expected, however after removing this file completely and then rebuilding the unsigned app, it still runs in debug mode and does not regenerate this file as though it is signing with a different cert. Any idea what is going on here?



CrazyCoder picture CrazyCoder · Dec 9, 2011

Please double check that you've removed the debug.keystore file from the correct user account:


On my system it's re-generated as soon as I delete it and rebuild the project in IntelliJ IDEA.