Top "Android-mapview" questions

MapView allows you to create your own Google map-viewing Activity

How can I handle map move end using Google Maps for Android V2?

I want to geocode address as soon as map center has been changed. How can I handle map moveend with …

android google-maps android-mapview google-maps-android-api-2
Get altitude by longitude and latitude in Android

Is there a quick and efficient way to get altitude (elevation) by longitude and latitude on the Android platform?

android geolocation gis android-mapview
Android: How do I set the zoom level of map view to 1 km radius around my current location?

I want to set the map view zoomed to 1km radius but cant figure out how? The doc says that …

android google-maps zoom android-mapview
How do you draw text with a border on a MapView in Android?

I'm trying to draw some text onto an MapView on Android. The drawing of the text goes fine, but it's …

android google-maps android-mapview
Placing Zoom Controls in a MapView

I'm trying to get the zoom controls to show up in a mapview, the following code almost works, but the …

android android-mapview
android MapView in Fragment

I want to have MapView inside my Fragment This is my FragmentLayout xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> &…

java android google-maps android-mapview
How does one implement drag and drop for Android marker?

Hi? I am working on a MapView app in Android. I have three markers that I want to be able …

android drag-and-drop android-mapview marker
Capture screen shot of GoogleMap Android API V2

Final Update The feature request has been fulfilled by Google. Please see this answer below. Original Question Using the old …

android android-mapview google-maps-android-api-2
Shared library missing in android.

02-18 00:02:08.432: ERROR/PackageManager(57): Package com.example.brown requires unavailable shared library; failing! I got this exception …

android android-mapview
Android GeoPoint with lat/long values

I am trying to get a GeoPoint for -23.4456 by 45.44334 What values do I pass into the constructor of the …

android android-mapview