The EditText is the standard text entry widget in Android apps.
I am developing an application for keyboard, but i am geting an issue. I want to restrict/block some special …
android android-edittext character android-softkeyboardI am essentially trying to set the digits value of an EditText programmatically. So far I have: weightInput.setInputType(InputType.…
android android-edittextI developed one simple app, like subtraction, addition. In this app I use three EditTexts, one for answer and other …
android android-edittext textwatcherI have list item with EditText in it, I don't know how many items there will be. I have a …
android android-edittext android-recyclerviewWhen an EditText is in password mode, it seems that the hint is shown in a different font (courrier?). How …
android fonts passwords android-edittextI have an EditText in my application. I want to align the text in it to the right instead of …
android alignment android-edittext layout-gravityI want to have constant text inside editText like: http://<here_user_can_write> User should not be …
android textview android-edittext material-designHow can I implement an outlined text field (as shown on this material design page)?
android android-layout android-edittext material-design android-textinputlayoutHow do I make an EditText on Android such that the user may not enter a multi-line text, but the …
android android-edittext multilineI want to place an image button inside of EditText, but I don't have Idea please tell me how to …
android android-layout android-edittext imagebutton