Top "Android-edittext" questions

The EditText is the standard text entry widget in Android apps.

Disable soft keyboard on NumberPicker

I'm trying to deactivate the soft keyboard when using a NumberPicker to enter numerical values (for aesthetic reasons). This is …

android android-layout android-widget android-edittext android-softkeyboard
Stop ScrollView from auto-scrolling to an EditText

Seems to be a common problem without a great solution that I have found. Goal is to stop a ScrollView …

android android-edittext scrollview autoscroll
Android programmatically disable autocomplete/autosuggest for EditText in emulator

Targeting Android 2.2 I have read the answers to the following questions: Turn off autosuggest for EditText? Android: Multiline & No …

android emulation android-edittext autosuggest
Selected Item of Autocomplete Textview Show as simple Textview?

I am using an Autocomplete Textview which shows some names from database.I want to show a name in a …

java android android-edittext autocompletetextview onitemclicklistener
Android Keyboard hides EditText

When I try to write something in an EditText which is at the bottom of the screen, the soft keyboard …

android android-layout android-edittext android-scrollview android-keypad
Vertical content align in Android EditText

I have a multi-line EditText: <EditText android:layout_gravity="center" android:id="@+id/txtMessage" android:layout_height="wrap_content" …

android layout android-edittext android-xml layout-gravity
how to validate a URL / website name in EditText in Android?

I want to take input, a URL or just a website name like, from EditText in Android …

android validation url android-edittext android-widget
Multiple EditText objects in AlertDialog

I'm working on a project for college that will let a user place a point on a map and then …

android google-maps dialog android-edittext
Change font for EditText in Android?

Is there any way to change the font for a EditText in Android? I want it to match the font's …

android fonts android-edittext typeface
How to remove all listeners added with addTextChangedListener

I have a ListView where each row has an EditText control. I want to add a TextChangedListener to each row; …

android listview android-edittext textwatcher