Top "Android-edittext" questions

The EditText is the standard text entry widget in Android apps.

How to disable "Next" button on a EditText software keyboard (replace with "Done" button)

I have a bunch of EditTexts in my Android application, each with InputMethod set to numberSigned. My target device does …

android android-edittext soft-keyboard
Masked Input Using EditText Widget in Android

Is there a way I can specify an input mask to the EditText control in Android? I want be able …

android mask android-edittext
Android: EditText in Dialog doesn't pull up soft keyboard

So I've got what seems to be a common problem, which is that the EditText in my dialog box doesn't …

android dialog android-edittext android-softkeyboard
Android execute function after pressing "Enter" for EditText

I have been following the official Android tutorials and somehow am having a problem with this very simple example to …

android android-edittext enter
KeyCode_Enter to next edittext

In edittext, after typing 'Enter' key, system make a new line inside it. I'd like to focus on next edittext, …

android android-edittext setfocus
Edittext in Listview android

I have Listview with editext and textview. When i touch on edittext then edittext lost focus! I resolved this problem …

android listview android-edittext baseadapter convertview
Add drop shadow effects to EditText Field

I am trying to design an EditText Field having Shadows (bottom and right side) like this tried googling & hunted …

android xml android-edittext effects dropshadow
how to define a reset button to clear all text field at one click?

<ScrollView android:id="@+id/ScrollView1" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:fillViewport="true" > &…

android android-edittext buttonclick
Tap outside edittext to lose focus

I just want when click outside the "edittext" to automatically lose focus and hide keyboard. At the moment, if I …

android focus android-edittext
How can I do something, 0.5 second after text changed in my EditText?

I am filtering my list using an EditText. I want to filter the list 0.5 second after user has finished typing …

android filter android-edittext textwatcher textchanged