Top "Android-design-library" questions

The Design package provides APIs to support adding material design components and patterns to your apps.

Dynamically add and remove tabs in TabLayout(material design) android

I have a TabLayout and inside that I have ViewPager. I need to dynamically add and remove tab in tablayout(…

android android-viewpager android-design-library android-tablayout
Snackbar is not working within fragment class

I am trying to show snackbar view when I click on button but it shows force close error when I …

android android-fragments android-activity android-design-library android-snackbar
How to use TextInputLayout in new android design library

Recently google introduced new Android Design Library in that how to use TextInputLayout field to enable the Floating Hint feature …

android android-design-library
Error when using any Android Design Support Library Elements

Error inflating anything from the design support library xml < android:layout_width="wrap_content" …

android android-support-library android-design-library
How to use a TabLayout with Toolbar inside CollapsingToolbarLayout?

I am looking at the chrisbanes/cheesesquare and I am trying to put TabLayout with a Toolbar inside a CollapsingToolbarLayout, …

android material-design android-toolbar android-design-library
Flinging with RecyclerView + AppBarLayout

I am using the new CoordinatorLayout with AppBarLayout and CollapsingToolbarLayout. Below AppBarLayout, I have a RecyclerView with a list of …

android android-layout android-design-library android-appcompat
Android Design Library - Floating Action Button Padding/Margin Issues

I'm using the new FloatingActionButton from the Google Design Library and I am getting some strange padding/margin problems. This …

android xml android-layout android-design-library floating-action-button
Android L - Floating Action Button (FAB)

Did Google already released a defined style or a component for this new circular FAB button or should I implement …

java android android-5.0-lollipop material-design android-design-library
Changing the background color of a Tab in TabLayout (Android design support library) doesn't occupy the entire tab space

I have a TabLayout (design support library) which is tied up to a ViewPager containing three tabs. I have designed …

android android-design-library android-tablayout
Android NavigationView menu group divider

Android support design library provide NavigationView: < ... app:menu="@menu/navigation_drawer_items" /> menu/…

android navigation-drawer android-design-library