Top "Android-design-library" questions

The Design package provides APIs to support adding material design components and patterns to your apps.

Change the font of tab text in android design support TabLayout

I'm trying to work on the new TabLayout from the android design library. I want to change tab text to …

android fonts android-design-library android-fonts android-tablayout
How to add footer to NavigationView - Android support design library?

How can I set footer settings and profile items to NavitationView? to looks like the Inbox by email navigation drawer. …

android android-support-library android-design-library
How to customize item background and item text color inside NavigationView?

I wanna achieve something like this shown in the Material Design Docs. colorControlHighlight is used for the Background on checked …

android material-design drawerlayout android-design-library navigationview
What is CoordinatorLayout?

Just had a look at the demo app of new Android support design library. It's provided by Chris Banes on …

android android-support-library android-coordinatorlayout android-design-library
TabLayout (Android Design Library) Text Color

I'm using the new TabLayout from the Android Design library. I managed to set the textcolor statelist using tabLayout.setTabTextColors(…

android android-design-library androiddesignsupport
TabLayout tab style

I use new TabLayout from library. I want to change background of the selected/unselected tabs. …

android android-design-library
Android CollapsingToolbarLayout collapse Listener

I am using CollapsingToolBarLayout alongside with AppBarLayout and CoordinatorLayout, and they are working Fine altogether. I set my Toolbar to …

android android-design-library android-collapsingtoolbarlayout
NavigationView and custom Layout

I'm using the Designs Support Libraries NavigationView like this: < xmlns:android="…

android android-design-library navigationview android-navigationview
NestedScrollView and CoordinatorLayout. Issue on Scrolling

I have a strange issue with the CoordinatorLayout and the NestedScrollView (with the design support library 22.2.0) Using a content smaller …

android material-design android-support-library android-design-library android-coordinatorlayout
How to set custom typeface to items in NavigationView?

With the new NavigationView, we are able to set a drawer's items through a menu resource in XML. With that, …

android android-design-library navigationview