Top "Android-4.4-kitkat" questions

Android 4.4 (codename KitKat) is API level 19 of the mobile operating system developed by Google.

Impossible to rotate the emulator with android 4.4

I've updated my sdk to the latest version (android 4.4) and I started the emulator, but now it seems not possible …

android android-emulator android-4.4-kitkat
Taking advantage of the translucent status bar in Android 4.4 KitKat

When I released my note taking application for Android 4.0 - 4.3 I used a custom action bar color with a custom …

android user-interface statusbar android-4.4-kitkat
List of devices support HCE?

As more and more devices have KitKat, I'm trying to compile a list of devices support HCE. Does anyone have …

nfc host android-4.4-kitkat emulation hce
How to Print PDF using Android 4.4 Printing framework

How to print already downloaded PDF using Android 4.4 printing framework? I viewed the developer documentation. but no luck. Any example …

android android-4.4-kitkat android-print-framework
Nexus 5 (Kitkat 4.4) won't authorize my Windows 8 computer

I'm trying to do some app development for Android with Eclipse and my Nexus 5. However, after the first time loading …

android eclipse windows-8 adb android-4.4-kitkat
Translucent system bars and content margin in KitKat

I'm trying to take advantage of the new KitKat translucent system bars, to get a full screen image in the …

android android-layout user-interface android-4.4-kitkat
Android 4.4 — Translucent status/navigation bars — fitsSystemWindows/clipToPadding don't work through fragment transactions

When using the translucent status and navigation bars from the new Android 4.4 KitKat APIs, setting fitsSystemWindows="true" and clipToPadding="false" …

android fragment transparent android-4.4-kitkat
can't open file chooser in WebView Android 4.4.2 using WebChromeClient

In my webview by clicking "Choose File" button In samsung 7 inch tablet I want to open a File Browser, but …

android android-4.4-kitkat webviewclient webchromeclient android-afilechooser
Android Webview not working on Android 4.4

I am developing an Android application based on a Webview. All is working fine on Android 4.1 but on 4.4 it throws …

java android webview android-4.4-kitkat egl