Top "Webchromeclient" questions

WebChromeClient is an Android class to intercept JavaScript dialogs, loading progress, and other events.

What's the difference between setWebViewClient vs. setWebChromeClient?

What's the difference between setWebViewClient vs. setWebChromeClient in Android?

android webviewclient webchromeclient
Are WebViewClient and WebChromeClient mutually exclusive?

From this great explanation about the differences between WebViewClient and WebChromeClient it seems that if you use one, you shouldn't …

android webview webviewclient webchromeclient
WebView + WebChromeClient method onCreateWindow not called for target="_blank"

I'm trying to develop a custom browser with WebView using Android API level 10 (sdk 2.3.3), unfortunately I don't know how to …

android webview webchromeclient
webChromeClient opens link in browser

I have searched and read a lot of posts but can not figure out how to do it in my …

android webchromeclient
can't open file chooser in WebView Android 4.4.2 using WebChromeClient

In my webview by clicking "Choose File" button In samsung 7 inch tablet I want to open a File Browser, but …

android android-4.4-kitkat webviewclient webchromeclient android-afilechooser
Android WebView Playing HTML5/h.264/mp4 Video, How to get at the MediaPlayer

I have an Activity which is a WebView. I have a WebChromeClient inside it. Inside that, there are several callbacks …

java android webview android-mediaplayer webchromeclient
Overriding Android WebChromeClient's onCreateWindow method results in SIGSEGV

I tried to override the default WebChromeClient in order to get give my application's WebView the ability to open new …

android webchromeclient
Android WebView localStorage

I'm attempting to get a HTML5 localStorage example working within an Android WebView (Webkit, ChromeClient). However I'm having no luck. …

android webview webkit local-storage webchromeclient
How do I detect when a WebView page is trying to close?

I have a WebView into which I'm loading the facebook sharer php page. This page doesn't have any form of …

android webview webchromeclient
Android WebChromeClient WebView onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt never fired

I have a webpage with a WatchPosition call which works fine in regular browsers. However, the dialog for requesting GPS …

android webview gps webchromeclient