Top "Android-4.4-kitkat" questions

Android 4.4 (codename KitKat) is API level 19 of the mobile operating system developed by Google.

Android KitKat 4.4 Hangouts cannot handle Sending SMS intent

Code for sending sms that worked perfectly until Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean) and stopped working since 4.4 (KitKat) I'm just preparing the …

android android-intent hangout android-4.4-kitkat
How can I detect the Android runtime (Dalvik or ART)?

Google added a new ART runtime with Android 4.4. How can I determine whether ART or Dalvik is the current runtime?

android dalvik android-4.4-kitkat art-runtime
Host-based Card Emulation with Fixed Card ID

Android 4.4 introduced Host-based Card Emulation (HCE). As you know, all NFC cards come with a fixed card ID (NfcAdapter.EXTRA_…

android nfc android-4.4-kitkat uniqueidentifier hce
ConsumerIrManage.hasIrEmitter() always returns false (API 19)

I call ConsumerIrManager.hasIrEmitter() on my LG G2, but it always returns false. According to the documentation on Infrared transmitters: …

android android-4.4-kitkat infrared
Native crash at /system/lib/ on kitkat android 4.4

I get "Native crash at /system/lib/" errors many times for android 4.4+. There was no such problem before 4.4. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** …

android webview android-4.4-kitkat
WebView difference in android 4.3 to 4.4

I implemented a WebView with images taken from the web. On Android 4.3 there's no problem. On Android 4.4 kitkat, the displayed …

android webview android-4.4-kitkat android-4.3-jelly-bean
How to Record Android Screen Video programmatically in KitKat 4.4

I know this question has been asked so many times and there are so many questions, answers and discussions available. …

android android-4.4-kitkat screen-capture
isValidFragment Android API 19

When I try my app with Android KitKat I have an error in PreferenceActivity. Subclasses of PreferenceActivity must override isValidFragment(…

android android-fragments android-4.4-kitkat
How does Android determine if an app has "High Battery Use" under "Recent Location Requests"?

As of Kitkat (4.4) Android reports that my app is "High battery use". I use Network Location as well GPS. If …

android gps location battery android-4.4-kitkat
Sticky immersive mode disabled after soft keyboard shown

I have an app that needs to be full screen most of the time. I know that if an alert …

android fullscreen android-4.4-kitkat