Top "Amazon-cognito" questions

Amazon Cognito is a simple user identity and data synchronization service that helps securely manage and synchronize mobile app data.

How to redirect after confirm amazon cognito using confirmation URL?

I want to redirect to a specific url after the user confirmation in amazon cognito. When a user sign up …

amazon-web-services aws-sdk amazon-cognito aws-cognito
Should I use AWS Cognito "username" or "sub" (uid) for storing in database?

I have an authenticated user in AWS Cognito service and want to store his unique identifier in the database. Should …

amazon-web-services amazon-cognito
lambda trigger callback vs context.done

I was following the guide here for setting up a presignup trigger. However, when I used callback(null, event) my …

node.js amazon-web-services aws-lambda amazon-cognito amazon-cognito-triggers
Cognito user pool authorizer With Serverless Framework

I need to authorize my API end point using aws cognito userpool. I can do it manually, but I need …

amazon-web-services aws-lambda aws-api-gateway amazon-cognito serverless-framework
AWS Cognito User Pool without a password

I want to use a phone number as the username for my app and i want to be able to …

amazon-web-services amazon-cognito
How do I look up a cognito user by their sub/UUID?

I want to look up a user in my Cognito user pool by their sub, which as far as I …

java amazon-web-services amazon-cognito
Can i use AWS cognito to provide a open id connect endpoint?

I want to use AWS cognito as a OpenId connect provider.My AWS cognito IDP will intern call my another …

oauth amazon-cognito openid-connect
AWS Cognito; unauthorized_client error when hitting /oauth2/token

Steps taken so far: Set up new user pool in cognito Generate an app client with no secret; let's call …

amazon-web-services authentication oauth oauth-2.0 amazon-cognito
Getting URL Parameters on GatsbyJS

Is there a way to retrieve url parameters passed on pages of project built on GatsbyJS? I'm trying to implement …

javascript amazon-cognito gatsby aws-amplify amplifyjs
Amazon API Gateway authorization AWS_IAM

What does it means AWS_IAM as Authorization model in Amazon API Gateway? If I test the Lambda inside the …

aws-api-gateway amazon-cognito amazon-iam