Top "Aws-amplify" questions

AWS framework for rapidly developing backends for mobile and web applications.

aws-amplify to access tokens on successful Auth.signIn?

I'm trying to figure out how to access the accessToken, refreshToken, and idToken that I receive back from aws-amplify using …

amazon-web-services authentication aws-amplify
AWS Amplify: How to delete the environment, when resources are already partially deleted?

TL;DR: How to delete an amplify environment, when some resources of the service have been deleted manually in the …

amazon-web-services amazon-cognito aws-appsync aws-amplify amazon-cloudfront
AWS Amplify, how to check if user is logged in?

I've been using the aws-amplify library with ionic and was wondering how I would check if a user is logged …

amazon-web-services ionic-framework aws-sdk aws-amplify
AWS Amplify & React - Module not found: Can't resolve '@aws-amplify/analytics'

I am trying to add Login functionality to a React app I'm building using Amplify and AWS Cognito, but when …

reactjs amazon-web-services aws-amplify aws-amplify-cli
Amplify: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing error even though CORS is enabled in API Gateway and Lambda headers

I'm using Amplify, and have my API Gateway proxying to Lambda. I've enabled CORS on my /{proxy+} and deployed the …

cors aws-amplify amplifyjs aws-amplify-vue
Getting URL Parameters on GatsbyJS

Is there a way to retrieve url parameters passed on pages of project built on GatsbyJS? I'm trying to implement …

javascript amazon-cognito gatsby aws-amplify amplifyjs
AWS GraphQL: Variable 'input' has coerced Null value for NonNull type 'Input!'

I'm using ReactJS and aws-amplify to execute graphql operations. CODE: import { API, graphqlOperation } from 'aws-amplify'; import { UpdateInput } from './mutations.…

reactjs graphql aws-appsync aws-amplify
(React Native - Using AWS Amplify) - Invariant Violation: Native module cannot be null

Description of the issue: I'm implementing push notification in my React-Native app using this AWS Amplify doc and testing with …

react-native aws-amplify aws-pinpoint
AWS Cognito - How To Get User's Group From Token Object

I can see the user's assigned User Pool group in the returned user data object in the console after logging …

amazon-web-services amazon-cognito aws-amplify
AWS Cognito/Amplify - have new user sign ups be automatically add to a user group

I am using AWS Amplify library to sign up and perform Auth for an AppSync project. This uses Cognito. However, …

amazon-web-services aws-cognito aws-mobilehub aws-appsync aws-amplify