Top "Amazon-cognito" questions

Amazon Cognito is a simple user identity and data synchronization service that helps securely manage and synchronize mobile app data.

What is the REST (or CLI) API for logging in to Amazon Cognito user pools

How do i make logins happen via Amazon Cognito REST APIs (for user pools) on platforms for which there is …

api rest amazon-web-services command-line-interface amazon-cognito
AWS Cognito User Pools in iOS (Swift) app

I'm trying to implement the new AWS Cognito User Pools in my iOS (Swift) app, but I'm struggling to get …

ios amazon-web-services amazon-cognito
Can you export/migrate users out of AWS cognito, does it cause vendor lock-in?

This is a question about vendor lock in and AWS cognito. Can user data and encrypted/hashed passwords be exported …

amazon-web-services amazon-cognito
Is it possible to modify AWS Cognito user attributes in the Lambda triggers

Having a look at the AWS documentation, you have …

triggers aws-lambda amazon-cognito
Terraform, getting output from null_resource, local-exec and the AWS CLI

I'm using Terraform to automate provision of Cognito Identity Pools in AWS. The AWS provider doesn't support Cognito yet so …

amazon-web-services aws-cli amazon-cognito terraform
Amazon Cognito Oauth2 with Spring Security

I'm trying to implement Spring Security in a resource server with "Cognito Oauth2", however I don't seem to find too …

java spring-security oauth-2.0 amazon-cognito
AWS Cognito as Django authentication back-end for web site

My reading of Cognito is that it can be used in place of a local Django admin database to authenticate …

python django amazon-web-services authentication amazon-cognito
AWS : Invalid identity pool configuration. Check assigned IAM roles for this pool

I have created one user pool & identity pool. I have used javascript sdk. I am able to signup, send …

javascript angularjs amazon-web-services aws-sdk amazon-cognito
AWS Amplify: How to delete the environment, when resources are already partially deleted?

TL;DR: How to delete an amplify environment, when some resources of the service have been deleted manually in the …

amazon-web-services amazon-cognito aws-appsync aws-amplify amazon-cloudfront
How to use AWS IoT to send/receive messages to/from Web Browser

We are trying to use Amazon Web Services Internet of Things (AWS IoT) to send messages from/to a Web …

node.js amazon-web-services websocket amazon-cognito aws-iot