Amazon Cognito is a simple user identity and data synchronization service that helps securely manage and synchronize mobile app data.
How do i make logins happen via Amazon Cognito REST APIs (for user pools) on platforms for which there is …
api rest amazon-web-services command-line-interface amazon-cognitoI'm trying to implement the new AWS Cognito User Pools in my iOS (Swift) app, but I'm struggling to get …
ios amazon-web-services amazon-cognitoThis is a question about vendor lock in and AWS cognito. Can user data and encrypted/hashed passwords be exported …
amazon-web-services amazon-cognitoHaving a look at the AWS documentation, you have …
triggers aws-lambda amazon-cognitoI'm using Terraform to automate provision of Cognito Identity Pools in AWS. The AWS provider doesn't support Cognito yet so …
amazon-web-services aws-cli amazon-cognito terraformI'm trying to implement Spring Security in a resource server with "Cognito Oauth2", however I don't seem to find too …
java spring-security oauth-2.0 amazon-cognitoMy reading of Cognito is that it can be used in place of a local Django admin database to authenticate …
python django amazon-web-services authentication amazon-cognitoI have created one user pool & identity pool. I have used javascript sdk. I am able to signup, send …
javascript angularjs amazon-web-services aws-sdk amazon-cognitoTL;DR: How to delete an amplify environment, when some resources of the service have been deleted manually in the …
amazon-web-services amazon-cognito aws-appsync aws-amplify amazon-cloudfrontWe are trying to use Amazon Web Services Internet of Things (AWS IoT) to send messages from/to a Web …
node.js amazon-web-services websocket amazon-cognito aws-iot