Top "Allure" questions

The Allure Framework is a flexible, lightweight multi-language test report tool, with the possibility of adding to the report of additional information such as screenshots, logs and so on.

How to generate allure report

I am new to allure reports and want to generate the allure report. Can anyone help with this? I am …

maven jasmine protractor allure
Generating allure report using pytest

I am using py test allure adaptor and trying to generate input data required for allure report. But I am …

python pytest allure
How to configure Allure Jenkins Plugin?

I have installed Allure Jenkins Plugin 2.10 on Jenkins ver. 2.24. The installation instruction says to Configure Allure Commandline from "Jenkins Configure …

Allure report: nothing shown in Chrome

I'm trying to use Allure-framework to generate a report for my Selenium WebDriver tests. I use JUnit framework and allure-maven-plugin …

java maven webdriver report allure
Allure Framework: using @Step and @Attachment annotations with TestNG and Maven

I am working on a project that uses Allure framework with Java, TestNG and Maven. But I'm unable to generate …

java maven junit testng allure
How does one run allure plugin in jenkins pipeline?

I'm building pipeline/jenkins-based CI for several projects and want to store allure results just as it would be done …

jenkins allure
allure-results directory not generated under target folder

I upgraded to latest <allure2.version>2.0-BETA14 in my Maven project. test-results folder is getting generated under the …

java maven allure
Allure reports to see historic trends

I am working on creating a Reports Dashboard for automated tests that run once in a day. I am using …

node.js mocha.js allure
How to customize allure report title and logo

Below attached allure report image that generated via allure. Would like to customize report title and logo (image highlighted yellow) …

allure: command not found on linux

I am trying to integrate allure report generation utility with py.test framework. I have installed allure on linux with …

pytest allure