Top "Allure" questions

The Allure Framework is a flexible, lightweight multi-language test report tool, with the possibility of adding to the report of additional information such as screenshots, logs and so on.

Unable to generate Allure reports using allure-maven plugin

I am unable to generate Allure test html reports using allure-maven plugin. I am using the same version of testNG-adapter …

java maven testng allure
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Couldn't load plugin class: io.qameta.allure.cucumberjvm.AllureCucumberJvm

I've integrated Alluer to my cucumber automation project. After the integration, I can run the tests from feature files, and …

java maven cucumber allure
How to add a screenshot to allure report with python?

I have this code: # coding: utf-8 from selenium import webdriver import pytest import allure @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='session') def …

python webdriver pytest allure
How to Allure-behave generate report from test cases. Allure generated only one report from one test case

When I use this step from here twice: $ behave -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o %allure_result_folder% ./features And …

allure python-behave
Unable to install Allure CLI on Ubuntu 15.10

According to a documentation it is possible to install Allure CLI with sudo apt-get install allure-commandline command. But only Trusty …

ubuntu allure ubuntu-15.10
How to get the Cucumber steps and attachments in Allure report?

I am able to generate allure report in a java-cucumber-Junit based Project. However, I am unable to get the cucumber …

java cucumber cucumber-jvm allure cucumber-junit
Save allure report in PDF and email

I have setup allure reporting system with testng using Maven. My boss wants reports in emailable format or PDF format. …

java selenium-webdriver allure
How to debug Maven plugin?

I use allure-maven plugin configured in my POM. However, when it fails with Could …

maven maven-plugin allure