How to configure Allure Jenkins Plugin?

dzieciou picture dzieciou · Nov 25, 2016 · Viewed 26k times · Source

I have installed Allure Jenkins Plugin 2.10 on Jenkins ver. 2.24.

The installation instruction says to

Configure Allure Commandline from "Jenkins Configure Page". enter image description here

Jenkins even complains about missing Allure Commandline:

enter image description here

However, the only option related to Allure on /configure page I found was:

enter image description here

Where can I find update-to-date documentation for Allure?


dzieciou picture dzieciou · Nov 25, 2016

I have found a bug report in Allure that says:

Setting up the Jenkins-Allure Plugin in Jenkins 2.0 has changed from the instructions given in The instructions state that to setup the Commandline details to go to /configure however in Jenkins 2.0 this setup is done in /configureTools.