Top "Alignment" questions

In GUI (inc.

Align to right with GridBagLayout

I'm creating an easy GUI using GridBagLayout and almost everything goes right, but there is this detail: having two columns, …

java swing alignment gridbaglayout
Android Spinner Gravity Not working

I'm trying for days to align the text in a spinner to right, but every time I fail to do …

android alignment spinner gravity
I need something in c# which work like the setw() in c++

I am using a richTextBox in c#. I need to display strings of different length inside one richTextBox but these …

c# alignment formatting setw
Centering DatePicker control

I am using datepicker control from wpf toolkit. I need to center align the content in datepicker control. How can …

wpf datepicker alignment wpftoolkit
Text direction and alignment in email sent via email() using PHP

I am sending an automatic email via php. The email contains Hebrew which direction is right to left. Here is …

php html email alignment hebrew
Aligning the baseline of field labels with the baseline of text in text inputs

I'm displaying text inputs next to some label text in a fieldset. I'd like the baseline of the text in …

html css alignment text-alignment baseline
Aligning Text with a ContentControl using the HorizontalContentAlignment property

I am attempting to apply a "text alignment" to a ContentControl. Since the ContentControl does not have a horizontal or …

wpf alignment text-alignment text-align
CPU and Data alignment

Pardon me if you feel this has been answered numerous times, but I need answers to the following queries! Why …

c alignment cpu-architecture processor
aligning or prettifying code in emacs

I remember this was possible in emacs, but don't know how. If I have something like: 'abc' => 1, 'abcabc' =>2, …

emacs alignment indentation prettify
CSS Horizontal Align Float

I have a simple menu and I want to place it in the center of the page using css. Here's …

css css-float center alignment text-align