Top "Alignment" questions

In GUI (inc.

How to align text drawn by SpriteBatch.DrawString?

Is there an easy way to align text to the right and center (instead of default left)?

c# text xna alignment drawstring
Java JLabel setHorizontalAlignment with different results

I want to center an JLabel inside an BorderLayout. For now I use label.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); and label.setVerticalAlignment(…

java swing alignment jlabel border-layout
How does `__declspec(align(#))` work?

Yes, I have read this: But it's not clear to me. First …

c++ visual-studio-2010 alignment sizeof declspec
Where can I use alignas() in C++11?

In an effort to standardize my code and make it more portable, I replaced #ifdef __GNUC__ typedef __attribute__((aligned(16))) float …

c++ c++11 alignment alignas
c++ data alignment /member order & inheritance

How do data members get aligned / ordered if inheritance / multiple inheritance is used? Is this compiler specific? Is there a …

c++ inheritance alignment
Should I worry about the alignment during pointer casting?

In my project we have a piece of code like this: // raw data consists of 4 ints unsigned char data[16]; int …

c++ c casting alignment
How to compute multiple sequence alignment for text strings

I'm writing a program which has to compute a multiple sequence alignment of a set of strings. I was thinking …

python string text alignment sequence
Horizontally center Views inside Android GridLayout

We are writing an app targeting ICS+ and believe a GridLayout is the best layout paradigm, but it seems very …

android alignment android-4.0-ice-cream-sandwich grid-layout xml-layout
Is there a way to justify-align floating HTML elements with CSS?

Essentially, I'm trying to achieve the affect of "text-align:justify" but with floating block elements. I have many blocks that …

css alignment css-float justify
How to perform basic Multiple Sequence Alignments in R?

(I've tried asking this on BioStars, but for the slight chance that someone from text mining would think there is …

r alignment sequence bioinformatics text-alignment