In GUI (inc.
Is there an easy way to align text to the right and center (instead of default left)?
c# text xna alignment drawstringI want to center an JLabel inside an BorderLayout. For now I use label.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); and label.setVerticalAlignment(…
java swing alignment jlabel border-layoutYes, I have read this: But it's not clear to me. First …
c++ visual-studio-2010 alignment sizeof declspecHow do data members get aligned / ordered if inheritance / multiple inheritance is used? Is this compiler specific? Is there a …
c++ inheritance alignmentWe are writing an app targeting ICS+ and believe a GridLayout is the best layout paradigm, but it seems very …
android alignment android-4.0-ice-cream-sandwich grid-layout xml-layout(I've tried asking this on BioStars, but for the slight chance that someone from text mining would think there is …
r alignment sequence bioinformatics text-alignment