Is there an easy way to align text to the right and center (instead of default left)?
I use this code:
public enum Alignment { Center=0, Left=1, Right=2, Top=4, Bottom = 8 }
public void DrawString(SpriteFont font, string text, Rectangle bounds, Alignment align, Color color )
Vector2 size = font.MeasureString( text );
Vector2 pos = bounds.GetCenter( );
Vector2 origin = size*0.5f;
if ( align.HasFlag( Alignment.Left ) )
origin.X += bounds.Width/2 - size.X/2;
if ( align.HasFlag( Alignment.Right ) )
origin.X -= bounds.Width/2 - size.X/2;
if ( align.HasFlag( Alignment.Top ) )
origin.Y += bounds.Height/2 - size.Y/2;
if ( align.HasFlag( Alignment.Bottom ) )
origin.Y -= bounds.Height/2 - size.Y/2;
DrawString( font, text, pos, color, 0, origin, 1, SpriteEffects.None, 0 );