In GUI (inc.
How would I set the Line Height or Line Spacing in an NSTextView (i.e. how tall each line is, …
objective-c cocoa alignment nstextviewI'm creating a bash script and would like to display a message with a right aligned status (OK, Warning, Error, …
bash shell alignment text-alignmentI am trying to align the text in my .net dropdownlist to the right. Using CssClass I am able to … css drop-down-menu alignment web-controlsI want my navigation bar to show two things in the middle. One them is going to be List name, …
ios iphone swift alignment uinavigationitemI am trying to create a container in bootstrap with a button on the bottom floating on the right. Unfortunately, …
twitter-bootstrap alignment bootstrap-4 right-alignI want to align to ligands in PyMOL like one would do it with protein structures, but I get an …
alignment pymolIn a Windows Phone 7 application, when I place a TextBlock in the grid and set its HorizontalAlignment to "Center" and …
silverlight windows-phone-7 textblock word-wrap alignment