Top "Afnetworking" questions

AFNetworking is a networking library for iOS and macOS available on GitHub and CocoaPods.

AFNetworking getting json value. URL doesn't work

Im using AFNetworking to get JSON values from my iOS application i have tested my code to this link http://…

ios json afnetworking afnetworking-2
AFNetworking not compatible with iOS 4.3

I am using CocoaPods to install the AFNetworking library. Here is my simple CocoaPods file: platform :ios pod 'FMDB' pod …

iphone ios objective-c afnetworking cocoapods
Better asynchronous control flow with Objective-C blocks

I'm using AFNetworking for asynchronous calls to a web service. Some of these calls must be chained together, where the …

objective-c design-patterns afnetworking objective-c-blocks
AFNetworking 2.0 cancel specific task

I am trying out afnetworking 2.0 and just trying to figure out how to cancel specific tasks. The old way would …

ios afnetworking afnetworking-2
AFNetworking 2.0 Domain=AFNetworkingErrorDomain Code=-1011 "Request failed: internal server error (500)

I am trying to convert my code to AFNetworking 2.0 with sub classing AFHTTPRequestOperationManager . Here is my code + (NSAFNetwokingRequestManager *)sharedClient { static …

ios web-services afnetworking afnetworking-2
AFNetworking 2.0 ERROR:Property with 'retain (or strong)' attribute must be of object type

Updated my project to AFNetworking, Xcode show this error: @property (nonatomic, strong) dispatch_queue_t completionQueue; Property with 'retain or …

iphone ios objective-c afnetworking afnetworking-2
AFNetworking 2.0 and Response Serialization Options

As soon as I trigger a request to a JSON resource I get the following: The operation couldn’t be …

ios afnetworking afnetworking-2
How to get Image size from URL in ios

How can I get the size(height/width) of an image from URL in objective-C? I want my container size …

objective-c afnetworking sdwebimage
changing AFNetworking baseURL

I am using AFNetworking with the singleton model suggested in their example. + (SGStockRoomHTTPClient *)sharedClient { static SGStockRoomHTTPClient *_sharedClient = nil; static dispatch_…

objective-c afnetworking
AFNetworking 2.0 Get JSON from code 400 in failure block

I'm using AFHTTPRequestOperationManager for a POST request. Now I'm deliberately entering incorrect information to handle a 400 error code. Now, the …

ios iphone objective-c afnetworking afnetworking-2