Top "Afnetworking" questions

AFNetworking is a networking library for iOS and macOS available on GitHub and CocoaPods.

AFNetworking + big download files + resume downloads

I need to download files > 500 Mo with AFNetworking. Sometimes, the time to download them is > 10 minutes and if …

download afnetworking resume
How to include AFNetworking as a Framework for using in an iOS App and Extension via CocoaPods

NB: This is related to this question on project structure, but I have decided to a vastly the use-case to …

ios xcode6 afnetworking cocoapods ios8-extension
APPLE MACH-O LINKED ERROR After adding AFNetworking

Just adding AFNetworking into my project, and after B&R here i got this error like: Undefined symbols for …

ios afnetworking linker-errors mach-o
Setting User-Agent in AFNetworking

our iOS app recently got rejected by Apple because it was not able to establish a valid connection to our …

ios swift afnetworking afnetworking-2
Pre-cache Images for AFNetworking's UIImageView category

When my app loads, I pull down a JSON representation of 99 objects. Each object has an 'image_url' field, which …

objective-c ios caching afnetworking nsurlcache
RestKit and AFNetworking build error

When I attempt to import the RestKit api into a project I get the following error: /Documents/Code/RestTest/RestKit/…

ios restkit afnetworking
Why use AFNetworking instead of dispatch_async?

Why should one use AFNetworking's async methods, when an async call can be done simply with GCD? dispatch_async(bgQ, ^{ //…

objective-c ios networking afnetworking
iOS memory usage increasing, can't find the culprit

I'm attempting to download a large number of images using AFNetworking 2.5 and stream them to disk. According to the memory …

ios xcode afnetworking instruments