Top "Afnetworking" questions

AFNetworking is a networking library for iOS and macOS available on GitHub and CocoaPods.

The dependency `AFNetworking (~> 2.5)` is not used in any concrete target

I want to install AFNetworking but I have a problem, how can I fix and install? I used Getting Started …

ios xcode git afnetworking cocoapods
AFNetworking - HTTP load failed (error code: -999) swift iOS

I am using AFNetworking with iOS 11. I am getting error like: Task <2EC9C49F-1889-4BFF-83B4-2047…

ios swift afnetworking app-transport-security
AFNetworking: Handle error globally and repeat request

I have a use case that should be rather common but I can't find an easy way to handle it …

ios networking afnetworking
Return value for function inside a block

I am using AFNetworking to get data from a server: -(NSArray)some function { AFJSONRequestOperation *operation = [AFJSONRequestOperation JSONRequestOperationWithRequest:request success: ^(…

objective-c block afnetworking
How to add MBProgressHUD waiting loading data in iOS

I have a problem: I used AFNetworking to get data from server, i used NSOperationQueue to add many operation to …

ios objective-c afnetworking mbprogresshud
get responseObject on failure block AFNetworking 3.0

how can I get the response string from failure block in AFNetworking 3.x, In the 2.x version the way to …

ios objective-c afnetworking afnetworking-3
I'm getting compiler warnings with AFNetworking, but shouldn't be. How do I fix it?

I'm using the most excellent AFNetworking library in a project that I'm currently upgrading to iOS 6. I'm in the middle …

xcode afnetworking
Play Mp4 and Mp3 file while downloding

I want to play a audio and video file i dont have the URL of these file. I am downloading …

ios objective-c afnetworking mpmovieplayer movie
NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1004 for few seconds after app start up

I'm getting "NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1004" error with Alamofire API calls, but only for few seconds after app started (or took …

ios ios9 afnetworking alamofire
Wanted: Up-to-date example for JSON/POST with basic auth using AFNetworking-2

I have a toy app which submits an https JSON/POST using basic auth security. I've been told I should …

ios objective-c json afnetworking afnetworking-2