Top "Addressing-mode" questions

An addressing mode specifies how to calculate the effective memory address of an operand by using information held in registers and/or constants contained within a machine instruction or elsewhere.

mov %eax,(%esp)

What is the difference between the following statements? mov %eax,%esp mov %eax,(%esp) I'm working on diffusing a binary …

assembly x86 att mov addressing-mode
What is the meaning of x86 instruction "call dword ptr ds:[00923030h]"?

What does the following x86 assembler instruction do? call dword ptr ds:[00923030h] It's an indirect call I suspect, but …

assembly x86 addressing-mode
Assembler jump in Protected Mode with GDT

I am currently playing around with x86 Assember in order to sharpen my low-level programming skills. Currently, I am facing …

assembly x86 protected-mode addressing-mode
mov instructions with byte destination for immediate to memory

I am reading a textbook entitled Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture by Richard C. Detmer I have …

assembly x86 opcode mov addressing-mode
A couple of questions about [base + index*scale + disp]

The general form for memory addressing in Intel and AT&T Syntax is the following: [base + index*scale + disp] …

assembly x86 att addressing-mode intel-syntax
Assembly Segments in opcodes

I noticed that in Assembly segments are used in opcodes. Example: MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-30],30 I think that "PTR …

assembly x86 masm addressing-mode memory-segmentation
What does the exclamation mark mean in the end of an A64 instruction?

The documentation for LDP and STP gives an example instruction with an exclamation mark in the end: LDP X8, X2, […

assembly arm stack arm64 addressing-mode
LEAL instruction, what does this mean?

So first i assign edx = y by doing movl 12(%ebp) %edx. why does leal (%edx, %edx, 2) , %edx = edx = 3*y

assembly addressing-mode
The different addressing modes of CUDA textures

I am using a CUDA texture in border addressing mode (cudaAddressModeBorder). I am reading texture coordinates using tex2D<…

cuda textures border addressing-mode
How does "mov (%ebx,%eax,4),%eax" work?

Been working on an assembly assignment, and for the most part I understand assembly pretty well. Or well at least …

assembly att addressing-mode