An addressing mode specifies how to calculate the effective memory address of an operand by using information held in registers and/or constants contained within a machine instruction or elsewhere.
What is the difference between the following statements? mov %eax,%esp mov %eax,(%esp) I'm working on diffusing a binary …
assembly x86 att mov addressing-modeWhat does the following x86 assembler instruction do? call dword ptr ds:[00923030h] It's an indirect call I suspect, but …
assembly x86 addressing-modeI am currently playing around with x86 Assember in order to sharpen my low-level programming skills. Currently, I am facing …
assembly x86 protected-mode addressing-modeI am reading a textbook entitled Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture by Richard C. Detmer I have …
assembly x86 opcode mov addressing-modeThe general form for memory addressing in Intel and AT&T Syntax is the following: [base + index*scale + disp] …
assembly x86 att addressing-mode intel-syntaxI noticed that in Assembly segments are used in opcodes. Example: MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-30],30 I think that "PTR …
assembly x86 masm addressing-mode memory-segmentationThe documentation for LDP and STP gives an example instruction with an exclamation mark in the end: LDP X8, X2, […
assembly arm stack arm64 addressing-modeSo first i assign edx = y by doing movl 12(%ebp) %edx. why does leal (%edx, %edx, 2) , %edx = edx = 3*y
assembly addressing-modeI am using a CUDA texture in border addressing mode (cudaAddressModeBorder). I am reading texture coordinates using tex2D<…
cuda textures border addressing-modeBeen working on an assembly assignment, and for the most part I understand assembly pretty well. Or well at least …
assembly att addressing-mode