Top "Abstraction" questions

Abstraction is a computer science concept in which an implementation is separated from its interface.

Should I use public or private variables?

I am doing a large project for the first time. I have lots of classes and some of them have …

c++ oop abstraction getter-setter data-access
What is the difference between Abstraction and Polymorphism

I seem to not understand two OOP concepts very well. Could you explain what abstraction and polymorphism are, preferably with …

oop polymorphism abstraction
How to get the name of the calling class (in PHP)

define('anActionType', 1); $actionTypes = array(anActionType => 'anActionType'); class core { public $callbacks = array(); public $plugins = array(); public function __construct() { $this->…

php class abstraction abstract
What is Google's Dremel? How is it different from Mapreduce?

Google's Dremel is described here. What's the difference between Dremel and Mapreduce?

hadoop mapreduce google-bigquery abstraction
implementing abstract methods/classes in java

Can I implement abstract methods in an abstract base class A in java? If the answer is yes and there …

java methods abstraction base derived
Compiling vs Transpiling

While searching about the difference, I came across these definitions: Compiling is the general term for taking source code written …

compiler-construction abstraction transpiler
What is exact difference between Inheritance and Abstract class?

I know the fundamentals of OOP concepts[Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism] We use Inheritance in case of Parent-Child relationship[Child …

java oop inheritance abstract-class abstraction
Practical example Encapsulation vs Information Hiding vs Abstraction vs Data Hiding in Java

I know there are lots of post regarding this question which has theoretical explanation with real time examples.These OOPs …

java oop abstraction information-hiding data-hiding
Is it better to use List or Collection?

I have an object that stores some data in a list. The implementation could change later, and I don't want …

java list collections abstraction
Difference in Information hiding and data abstraction?

Is there any difference in Data Abstraction and Information hiding? After going through all the answers in this link I …

oop abstraction information-hiding