Top "Google-bigquery" questions

Google BigQuery is a Google Cloud Platform product providing serverless queries of petabyte-scale data sets using SQL.


I'm trying to connect to Google BigQuery through the BigQuery API, using Python. I'm following this page here: https://cloud.…

python google-bigquery
Google BigQuery Delete Rows?

Anyone know of any plans to add support for delete parts of data from a table in Google Bigquery? The …

google-bigquery sql-delete delete-row
Can we cast the type in BigQuery?

Following my query : SELECT SQRT((D_o_latitude - T_s_lat)^2+(D_o_longitude - T_s_long)^2)/0.00001 FROM […

BigQuery: SPLIT() returns only one value

I have a page URL column components of which are delimited by /. I tried to run the SPLIT() function in …

BIGQUERY SELECT list expression references column CHANNEL_ID which is neither grouped nor aggregated at [10:13]

I am facing this error: BIGQUERY SELECT list expression references column CHANNEL_ID which is neither grouped nor aggregated at [10:13] …

What's the difference between BigQuery and BigTable?

Is there any reason why someone would use BigTable instead of BigQuery? Both seem to support Read and Write operations …

google-cloud-platform google-bigquery cloud bigtable google-cloud-spanner
Row number in BigQuery?

Is there any way to get row number for each record in BigQuery? (From the specs, I haven't seen anything …

BigQuery COUNT(DISTINCT value) vs COUNT(value)

I found a glitch/bug in bigquery. We got a table based on Bank Statistic data under the…

Cannot access field in Big Query with type ARRAY<STRUCT<hitNumber INT64, time INT64, hour INT64, ...>>

I'm trying to run a query using Standard SQL Dialect (ie not Legacy SQL) on BigQuery. My query is: SELECT …

sql nested google-bigquery
Error: Not found: Dataset my-project-name:domain_public was not found in location US

I need to make a query for a dataset provided by a public project. I created my own project and …
