define('anActionType', 1);
$actionTypes = array(anActionType => 'anActionType');
class core {
public $callbacks = array();
public $plugins = array();
public function __construct() {
$this->plugins[] = new admin();
$this->plugins[] = new client();
abstract class plugin {
public function registerCallback($callbackMethod, $onAction) {
if (!isset($this->callbacks[$onAction]))
$this->callbacks[$onAction] = array();
global $actionTypes;
echo "Calling $callbackMethod in $callbacksClass because we got {$actionTypes[$onAction]}" . PHP_EOL;
// How do I get $callbacksClass?
$this->callbacks[$onAction][] = $callbackMethod;
class admin extends plugin {
public function __construct() {
$this->registerCallback('onTiny', anActionType);
public function onTiny() { echo 'tinyAdmin'; }
class client extends plugin {
public function __construct() {
$this->registerCallback('onTiny', anActionType);
public function onTiny() { echo 'tinyClient'; }
$o = new core();
should be admin or client. Or am I missing the point here completely and should go about this another way? It should be noted that I will only accept an answer that does not require me to send the classname as an argument to the registerCallback method.
If anyone came here looking for how to get the name of a calling class from another class like I did, check this out
EDIT: pasted code
function get_calling_class() {
//get the trace
$trace = debug_backtrace();
// Get the class that is asking for who awoke it
$class = $trace[1]['class'];
// +1 to i cos we have to account for calling this function
for ( $i=1; $i<count( $trace ); $i++ ) {
if ( isset( $trace[$i] ) ) // is it set?
if ( $class != $trace[$i]['class'] ) // is it a different class
return $trace[$i]['class'];
class A {
function t() {
echo get_calling_class();
class B {
function x() {
$a = new A;
$b = new B;
$b->x(); // prints B