Top "Xterm" questions

xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System.

Reload .Xresources without restarting the xterm

To use ALT key in vim without tweaking, the escaping should be disabled in xterm. Without escaping the ALT will …

bash vim escaping xterm alt-key
Can't run "ssh -X" on MacOS Sierra

I just upgraded to MacOS Sierra, and I realized that I can't seem to run the "ssh -X" command in …

ssh terminal xterm macos-sierra
Set screen-title from shellscript

Is it possible to set the Screen Title using a shell script? I thought about something like sending the key …

bash title gnu-screen xterm
run xterm -e without terminating

I want to run xterm -e without terminating. In the file, I'm sending commands to the background and …

bash execute terminate xterm
How to Open xterm window from a terminal and run a command in background from xterm?

My application tries to execute roots command "sudo ifup eth0" and "sudo ifdown eth0". But it returned an error "sudo: …

linux shell command-line xterm gnome-terminal
Vim: Difference between t_Co=256 and term=xterm-256color in conjunction with TMUX

I am testing the various different terminals that I tend to use to SSH into Linux boxes that I have …

vim terminal tmux xterm
What is the difference between xterm-color & xterm-256color?

I've come across both xterm-color and xterm-256color as options when trying to set up my terminal program to use …

linux macos terminal ncurses xterm
Error opening terminal: xterm-256color

When I try to nano something on my server I'm getting this error "Error opening terminal: xterm-256color." that I've …

ubuntu terminal vi xterm nano
Bind Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab in tmux

I'm trying to a get a ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab binding to work inside of a tmux session (…

linux putty tmux xterm gentoo
difference between SSH -X and ssh -Y

I was SSH'ing into a server by running a code like this: ssh serverUser@serverIP "./runServer" & on the very …

ssh xterm