Top "Xterm" questions

xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System.

Change default XTerm font size in Cygwin

Anyone know how to change the default font size when you open a new XTERM windown in Cygwin? I have …

configuration cygwin font-size xterm
Read the current text color in a xterm

I'm writing various utilities, and I'm really liking colorized text. Nothing fancy, just using escape sequences. I've created a simple …

python bash xterm
How to change xterm colors using .Xdefaults file?

I have created the following .Xdefaults file in my home directory but xterm still have default colors, what might be …

linux colors xterm
How can I launch multiple xterm windows and run a command on each, leaving each window open afterward?

I'm lazy, and I prefer that computers do my work for me. I ssh into several machines on a daily …

linux bash unix ssh xterm
bash command preserve color when piping

Possible Duplicate: Can colorized output be captured via shell redirect? setup In this case specifically I'm trying to preserve the …

bash colors pipe xterm
Color ouput with Swift command line tool

I'm writing a command line tool with Swift and I'm having trouble displaying colors in my shell. I'm using the …

swift colors command command-line-interface xterm
Python terminal emulation

I'd like to have an xterm-compatible virtual terminal running inside a Python app. I'll need to run ncurses-based applications inside …

python xterm terminal-emulator pty
Scroll up/down while selecting multi-page block of text in Vim through putty

I'm using vim 6.3.81 on a xterm through putty. When I use set mouse=a , I can scroll through the file , …

vim select mouse xterm
How to enable paste keyboard shortcut in Mac X11 xterm?

On my mbp, I open xterm under X11 and I want to paste from the clipboard. However, command+v doesnt …

macos x11 xterm
Emacs/xterm color annoyance on Linux

I'm using emacs in a console window both on my local Linux box and on the login node of a …

linux emacs terminal colors xterm