Top "Xml-configuration" questions

A configuration that could be parsed from the XML file.

How to display a list of database records (retrieved via Hibernate) to a JSP page in Struts 2?

I am trying to display the database records in my JSP page in Struts 2 using Hibernate. I have done the …

java hibernate jsp struts2 xml-configuration
many-to-many mapping in NHibernate

I'm looking to create a many to many relationship using NHibernate. I'm not sure how to map these in the …

nhibernate nhibernate-mapping many-to-many xml-configuration
Can spring framework override Annotation-based configuration with XML-based configuration?

Can spring framework override Annotation-based configuration with XML-based configuration? I need to change a dependency of a bean which is …

spring configuration annotations xml-configuration
In Hibernate: is it possible to mix Annotations and XML configuration for an Entity?

So, is possible to mix both configurations instead of use only one of those? All I want is to keep …

java hibernate spring annotations xml-configuration
Dispatcher initialization failed. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.struts2.views.gxp.inject.InjectedObjectContainer

I'm using Struts jars, but when I created the simple application, I'm getting the following error/exception. I almost did …

java struts2 xml-configuration gxp
Apache Commons Configuration2 how to read data from InputStream

How can I read the data from InputStream by using Apache Commons Configuration2? FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<XMLConfiguration> builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder&…

java apache-commons xml-configuration apache-commons-config
Excluding fields in Dozer mapping

Is there a way to exclude multiple fields in Dozer, when source and target classes are the same? I am …

mapping dozer xml-configuration
How-to configure Spring Social via XML

I spend a few hours trying to get Twitter integration to work with Spring Social using the XML configuration approach. …

spring aop spring-aop spring-social xml-configuration
Global results with Struts 2 and convention plugin

i would like to have some global results in my application. In good old XML configuration it would look like: &…

java jsp struts2 xml-configuration struts2-convention-plugin