Top "Apache-commons-config" questions

The Commons Configuration software library provides a generic configuration interface which enables a Java application to read configuration data from a variety of sources.

How to write multiple line property value using PropertiesConfiguration?

I have a properties file with a property with a List value (comma separated), how to write this property in …

java properties apache-commons-config
NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/configuration/ConfigurationException

I have an app in which I need to parse configuration file and when run this program on server it …

java maven apache-commons apache-commons-config
How to get list of properties using apache.commons

I need to get the list of properties which are in the .properties file. For example, if have the following .…

java apache-commons-config
Very simple Apache-commons configuration example throws NoClassDefFoundError

I'm trying to test a very simple example given in the Apache-commons configuration library user's guide regarding declaring and creating …

java xml apache-commons-config
Guice and general application configuration

For a monitoring software written in Java I consider using Google Guice as DI provider. The project needs to load …

java configuration guice apache-commons-config
what is apache common configuration

Can some one throw some light on what is common configuration (apache common configuration)? It will he helpful if some …

Why is Maven not resolving all dependencies for commons-configuration?

Summary When trying XMLConfiguration configuration = new XMLConfiguration("config/config.xml"); with only commons-configuration 1.10 I need to add more depencies (namely …

java maven apache-commons-config
Simple Apache-commons configuration example throws ConfigurationRuntimeException

I'm trying to test a very simple example given in the Apache-commons configuration library user's guide regarding declaring and creating …

java xml apache-commons-config
How to set logback configuration file at runtime?

I would like to have a logback.xml file for production and another one with different parameters on my staging …

java logging logback apache-commons-config
Apache Commons Configuration2 how to read data from InputStream

How can I read the data from InputStream by using Apache Commons Configuration2? FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<XMLConfiguration> builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder&…

java apache-commons xml-configuration apache-commons-config