Top "Xib" questions

XIB is the file format for Interface Builder, which is a development tool for the Mac OS X & iOS platforms.

Xcode changes unmodified storyboard and XIB files

Storyboards are rather a royal pain from a git workflow perspective when multiple people are collaborating on them. For example, …

ios xcode interface-builder storyboard xib
Multiple Views within one XIB - iPhone SDK

I have been spending time learning how to use the iPhone SDK. I've read "Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone …

iphone xib
Loaded nib but the view outlet was not set - Swift edition

I have a project that is all in Objective C, except for my view controller, which is in Swift. When …

ios objective-c swift xib nib
IOS Static Framework with resources inside

I'm trying to create a framework that keeps some common code I use around in my projects. I found online …

ios frameworks uiimageview xib
UICollectionView & custom UICollectionReusableView not works

I'm trying to use custom UICollectionReusableView (which has own class and XIB) in my UICollectionView header. But after fetching data …

ios xib uicollectionview uicollectionreusableview
Use storyboards in a project which has .xib files- iPhone

I want to use generally the old .xib files in my iPhone application. But when it comes to tableViewController storyboard …

iphone ios cocoa storyboard xib
Convert NIB Files to XIB Files

Is there a way to convert NIB files to XIB files so that I can open them in Xcode 4? Once …

xcode macos interface-builder xib nib
Same xib for iPhone4 and iPhone5 possible?

Is there any way I can design my classes for both iPhone4 and iPhone5 using the same xib?

xib iphone-5
UIViewControllerHierarchyInconsistency when trying to present a modal view controller

Trying to present a modal view controller with the following code MapViewController *mapView = [[MapViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MapViewController" bundle:nil]; mapView.…

ios objective-c xcode uiviewcontroller xib
Xcode 4 .xib Create iPad Version

I have an iPhone xib I want to turn into an iPad xib. In Xcode 3 there was a "Create iPad …

iphone ipad xcode4 xib