Top "Xib" questions

XIB is the file format for Interface Builder, which is a development tool for the Mac OS X & iOS platforms.

How to replace RootViewController in "Navigation-based application"

I have an application that uses the "navigation-based application" template in XCode. Now I want to change it so that …

objective-c xcode interface-builder xib nib
Execute code in Launch Screen

Xcode allows to create launch screen in .xib files via Interface Builder. Is it possible to execute some code with …

ios xcode user-interface xib
Couldn't open xib file after git pull, invalid element name

I am working on project with another developer. We are working on bitbucket. The problem is he made a changes …

ios git xcode5 xib bitbucket
adding a custom view to a alert view

i have a problem like this: i want to show a customized view inside a alert view. so i create …

ios uialertview xib addsubview sdcalertview
Can you reference Xib files from static libraries on the iPhone?

In my app, i currently have all my code separated into a static library, to make it easier to set …

iphone static-libraries xib
How does loadNibNamed work? UIView outlets not initializing using loadNibNamed

I know this is quite straight forward but after too much hair-pulling I am nowhere near solution. I have seen …

ios iphone uiview xib loadnibnamed
Text search though all .xib files in Xcode?

This seems like such a basic task, but I'm stumped. How, in Xcode, do you execute a textual search though (…

xcode full-text-search xib
What is safe area in xib in xcode 9?

Can you please let me know what is safe area (highlighted in image) in xibs in xcode 9. and what is …

ios xib xcode9 safearealayoutguide
Best way to change XIB files based on rotation?

My app has so far just been a portrait-based application. However, I am adding landscape mode to a new version, …

iphone rotation landscape xib
Xcode "-[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] loaded the nib but the view outlet was not set." error

I'm using Xcode 4 and when I run my app, the first screen doesn't load. It fails in the simulators and …

iphone xcode xcode4 xib nib