Top "Xdt-transform" questions

XML-Document-Transform (xdt) is a technique used in Microsoft Visual Studio for modifying Web.

Is there any way to do a "Replace Or Insert" using web.config transformation?

I'm using web.config transformation as described in the below post in order to generate configs for different environments. http://… web-config-transform xslt xdt-transform
Transform app.config for 3 different environment

I need to be able to transform my app.config file using msbuild. I can transform the file if it …

c# .net msbuild slowcheetah xdt-transform
SlowCheetah not transforming file on build

I have a project I am trying to use SlowCheetah for. I have created my config file (Test.web.config) …

xml web.config-transform slowcheetah xdt-transform config-transformation
What is the right xdt:Locator parameter to transform this node?

I have the following in my app.config file. I am using Slow Cheetah and just want to replace replace …

visual-studio-2012 web-config-transform xdt-transform
How to do a web.config transform for smtp?

I have this in my root web.config <mailSettings> <smtp from="[email protected]" deliveryMethod="SpecifiedPickupDirectory"> &…

web-config smtp xdt-transform
XDT Transform: InsertBefore - Locator Condition is ignored

I have a web.config file in which I need to either insert the <configSections /> element or manipulate …

web-config web-config-transform xdt-transform