Top "Web-config-transform" questions


App.Config Transformation for projects which are not Web Projects in Visual Studio?

For Visual Studio 2010 Web based application we have Config Transformation features by which we can maintain multiple configuration files for …

visual-studio .net-4.0 app-config slowcheetah web-config-transform
Is there any way to do a "Replace Or Insert" using web.config transformation?

I'm using web.config transformation as described in the below post in order to generate configs for different environments. http://… web-config-transform xslt xdt-transform
Web Config Transform not working

In a .NET MVC 3.0 Application I have the following configuration in appSettings: web.config <appSettings> <add key="… web-config slowcheetah web-config-transform
How to remove a ConnectionString using Config Transformations

I have a Web.config with several ConnectionStrings <connectionStrings> <add name="connStr1" connectionString="... <add name="ConnStr2" …

c# .net visual-studio web-config web-config-transform
Web Config Transformation to add a child element

I've got the following configuration in web.config: <resizer> <sizelimits imageWidth="0" /> <plugins> <add … web-config web-config-transform
MSBuild Script and VS2010 publish apply Web.config Transform

So, I have VS 2010 installed and am in the process of modifying my MSBuild script for our TeamCity build integration. … xml visual-studio-2010 msbuild web-config-transform
Web.config Build vs Release transform not working

I have an ASP.NET Web Application project that connects to a remote database via the Entity Framework. During debugging (… build web-config release web-config-transform
Web Config Transforms: Insert If Not Exists

I would like to apply a transformation if and only if a matched element does not exist in the target. …

xpath web-config web-config-transform
Publish is not transforming web.config?

I made a web.config (full file, it doesn't show XML errors) <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration xmlns="http://… deployment .net-4.0 web-config web-config-transform
What is the right xdt:Locator parameter to transform this node?

I have the following in my app.config file. I am using Slow Cheetah and just want to replace replace …

visual-studio-2012 web-config-transform xdt-transform