Top "Xcode8" questions

Xcode 8 is an IDE created by Apple for the development of macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS applications.

Objective-C Bridging Header not getting created with Xcode 8

I am trying to add objective-c libraries to my Swift 3 project (Xcode 8 IDE). But objective c interface header is not …

swift3 xcode8 bridging-header
Push Notifications not being received on iOS 10, but working on iOS 9 and before

I have several apps that were written in Swift 2.2, compiled with Xcode 7.3 and is live on the App Store. The …

ios swift push-notification apple-push-notifications xcode8
Swift 3, Xcode 8 Instantiate View Controller is not working

Xcode 8 when it compiles says to change instantiate viewcontroller with identifier to simply, instantiate view controller. I did that, why …

swift storyboard swift3 viewcontroller xcode8
Xcode 8 provisioning profile won't download

I recently updated to Xcode 8 and as I click on "download" option next to provisioning profile in Xcode/Preferences/Accounts/…

provisioning-profile xcode8 ios-provisioning
Xcode 8 | iOS 10 simulator "Error returned in reply: Connection invalid"

While I am try to run an app in the iOS 10 simulator using xcode8 I get these alerts frequently. They …

ios xcode ios-simulator ios10 xcode8
Where can I download the iOS 10 simulator runtime file?

I want to test my apps in the iOS 10 simulator, but I'm not sure where to get the .runtime file …

ios-simulator xcode8 ios10
Deleting all data in a Core Data entity in Swift 3

Is there a way to do a batch delete of all data stored in all of the entities in core …

core-data swift3 ios10 xcode8
This iPhone 6 is running iOS 10.1 (14B55c), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode

I'm trying to run the app after I updated Xcode to v8 and iOS to v10, but this error message …

ios iphone xcode ios10 xcode8
How do I create a Delete-Line Keyboard shortcut in Xcode 8? The Xcode 3 solutions do not work anymore

In previous versions of Xcode it was possible to create a key binding to delete the current line. There were …

xcode macos xcode4 xcode8 keyboard-shortcuts
xcode 8 push notification capabilities and entitlements file setting

when using xcode 8 doing the push notification setting, unlike xcode 7, xcode 8 need developer turn on push notifications capabilities switch ( located …

push-notification ios10 xcode8 xcode8-beta6 unnotificationrequest