Top "Xcode8" questions

Xcode 8 is an IDE created by Apple for the development of macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS applications.

Will Xcode 7.3.1 work on macOS 10.12?

I want to install and try out the new features of macOS 10.12. Also I really want to work on Xcode 8.0. …

xcode macos cocoa macos-sierra xcode8
Autoresizing issue in Xcode 8

=== EDIT ======== This issue is now solved in Xcode 8.1. I have checked. ================ I don't know auto-layout properly. So, I am using …

ios storyboard swift3 autoresize xcode8
Xcode 8 :function types cannot have argument label breaking my build

It seems that for some reason Swift have chosen to make coding in it less readable by forcing users to …

ios swift xcode8 completionhandler
How do you read data from a text file in Swift 3 (XCode 8)

first I would like to start with my current situation: 1) Current Situation: I have a text file (data.rtf) I …

swift xcode8 readfile
Your account already has a signing certificate for this machine but it is not present in your keychain

I get this error, verbatim, when trying to build and install to a device. This is my environment: Xcode 8 El …

xcode8 ios10
Subclassing NSManagedObject with swift 3 and Xcode 8 beta

I've began to try use Core data with swift 3 and Xcode 8 beta. When I try to generate NSManagedObject subclasses from …

core-data nsmanagedobject swift3 xcode8
WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'v_gradient' not read by fragment shader

When i run my app in ios 10 using xcode 8 i am getting following message in debug console, and by UI …

ios ios10 xcode8
Multiple line comment in Xcode 8

I just upgraded to Xcode GM 8.0 and noticed ⌘ + / is not commenting out selected lines. Is there another command to comment …

Cannot debug Swift module/framework embedded in Objective-C app

Alternative titles (to aid searching) Cannot debug Swift 2.3 framework linked to an Objective-C app in Xcode 8 error in auto-import: failed …

xcode lldb swift3 xcode8 swift2.3
Provisioning profile doesn't support the Wireless Accessory Configuration capability

After upgrading from Xcode 7.3 to Xcode 8, I'm getting an error: Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: *" doesn't support the Wireless …

provisioning-profile xcode8 external-accessory