XAMPP is a cross-platform Apache distribution bundled with MySQL, PHP and Perl.
I had apache 2.4 already installed with xampp.I tried adding mod_wsgi using the steps mentioned here But when I …
django python-3.x xampp mod-wsgi apache2.4Im looking to set up a server using xampp within a small office. I will ofcourse secure xampp but in …
xampp intranet lanAfter installing laravel in blog directory, when I try to check it runs normally or not by accessing localhost/blog/…
laravel xampp laravel-5.8php.ini contains following parameters: track_errors=On error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT log_errors=…
php xampp error-logI'm attempting to disable SSLv3 in Apache which I've installed on Windows via xampp. But I'm having trouble figuring out …
apache ssl xampp poodle-attackI installed XAMPP from the apachefriends.org following these instructions: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html#377 . The problem is …
mysql linux xampp mysql.sockI'm using Netbeans 7.0.1 in a PHP project. I've installed XAMPP 1.7 in Windows 7 64 bits with the installer we can find in …
php xampp lampp