Top "Xampp" questions

XAMPP is a cross-platform Apache distribution bundled with MySQL, PHP and Perl.

How to install mod_wsgi for apache 2.4 and python 3.4 on windows?

I had apache 2.4 already installed with xampp.I tried adding mod_wsgi using the steps mentioned here But when I …

django python-3.x xampp mod-wsgi apache2.4
Set up xampp server on office lan

Im looking to set up a server using xampp within a small office. I will ofcourse secure xampp but in …

xampp intranet lan
Server error 500 when accessing Laravel 5.8

After installing laravel in blog directory, when I try to check it runs normally or not by accessing localhost/blog/…

laravel xampp laravel-5.8
PhpStorm code completion doesn't show core classes/extensions

I'm having trouble with PHPStorm. I just started new project created a couple of my own classes, in one of …

php ide xampp phpstorm
php error log missing in XAMPP

php.ini contains following parameters: track_errors=On error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT log_errors=…

php xampp error-log
Remove tomcat port number in the http URL

I have a webapplication hosted on tomcat. I'm trying to achieve a URL redirection of my webappname. So, I'm using …

apache http tomcat xampp vhosts
How to disable SSLv3 in Apache on Windows installed by Xampp

I'm attempting to disable SSLv3 in Apache which I've installed on Windows via xampp. But I'm having trouble figuring out …

apache ssl xampp poodle-attack
XAMPP mysql.sock is missing

I installed XAMPP from the following these instructions: . The problem is …

mysql linux xampp mysql.sock
How to install PHP 8 on XAMPP

I'm trying to update my PHP version to the brand new PHP 8. I have followed simular steps as this tutorial. …

php apache xampp php-8
Can't find where the socket configuration is in XAMPP for Windows

I'm using Netbeans 7.0.1 in a PHP project. I've installed XAMPP 1.7 in Windows 7 64 bits with the installer we can find in …

php xampp lampp